Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Blog changes to wordpress

Hi everyone!!
I have changed my blogspace.  It is easier to use and far more interactive!! 
Come take a look, and ask a question of the Angels for Free on Ask the Angels page.  Or ask a question about Spirituality from the Ask Michele page!!
There are also channelings and all kind of new information coming soon!!


I will see you there!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Get your Free Cd sent .. here's how!!

Congratulations to everyone who has become a follower on this Blog!!  I will be sending out your free meditation CD...  but first, I need to know where to send it!!
Please e-mail me at Gematrianlight@sbcglobal.net    and provide a physical address for me to send it to.  I will get them out this week!!
Please know that your privacy is of utmost importance and this information will never be shared, as a matter of fact...  it will be deleted as soon as the Cd's are sent out.
Thank you for coming, and keep coming back for more and more fun stuff...  hhmmm  what else can i give away for free..  ????   hhhmmmmmm  thinking, thinking...
Love, Love, Love!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Gematrian Lighthouse: Meditation CD Giveaway!!

Gematrian Lighthouse: Meditation CD Giveaway!!

Meditation CD Giveaway!!

I have been doing meditation classes for many years, and have recorded some amazing ones that are now on Cd !!
I am giving a free Cd to everyone who signs up to be a follower on this blog through the month of February 2010! 

Every meditation is a channelled expression from Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters and other Beings of Light from the Spiritual Hiearchy.  Each Cd contains the powerful energies and activations from the original channellings and are ready to be shared with you.  :)

I am happy to share these wonderful Cd's with you!!

Much Love,

Michele Amburgey

PS:  Check out my website  http://www.gematrianlight.com/  for services and classes, and lots of great information!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

2010: Ask the Angels!!

Please post your question here, by clicking on "Comments" below, and the Angels will get back to you as soon as possible with their answers for you!!  It's Free!!  :)
We are so excited to hear from you!

Much Love to everyone in 2010!!

Spiritual Development and Talking to Your Angels


It's been a long time since I have posted on this Blog.. my how time passes!!

I am really excited to start writing again, and I hope to hear from all of you!!

I have had a lot of people, over the years, ask me about how to talk to their Angels.

There really is no pat answer for that, for there are many ways in which to prepare for communication... and I am going to share a few of them right here, right now!!

The first thing I tell every one who has asked me about Angel Communication is ... you MUST have a daily meditation practice. Think of it as setting an appointment to meet your dear friends. When you set an appointment to meet with friends, they always know where to find you!!   It is the same with your Angels!

Begin to be aware of the level of vibration that you live in on a daily basis. Your thought, beliefs, words and actions create the vibratory level that you are in at any given time. Positive energy creates a higher vibration. It is much easier to communicate with your Angels if you are at a higher level of vibration. Daily meditation helps with this, as it assists you to find that positive, loving peaceful place each day.

Learn to do daily etheric hygiene. Clearing out your chakras and cutting unhealthy energy cords will help you to keep your energy strong and your vibration high. If you do this at night, it will also help you to sleep well and wake up refreshed!!

Learn to listen. Often times our Angels are communicating with us, but we don't listen to what is being said. Sometimes we get a thought, or an inspiration, but then cast it off as "imagination", or we doubt what we are feeling. One way to learn to listen is to sit with pen and paper after your meditation and take 10-15 minutes and ask your Angels to speak to you. Do this as a free flowing writing session, just write whatever comes to mind. As you do this more and more, you will begin to realize that you have been receiving messages all along.  The key is to take the time to listen deeply, so you can recognize and trust what you get.

Find a Spiritual Development group in your area. Having a regular gathering of like minded people really helps you to learn and grow faster. If you are in the Southern California area, I hold a Spiritual Development group every Wed evening at 7pm.

I hope this has inspired you to begin to take some time to communicate with your Angels, they love you so much and are waiting to hear from you!!

Please check out my website http://www.gematrianlight.com/

Many Blessings,

Rev. Michele Amburgey MSP, CCH, HHP, RMT

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

2008 Ask the Angels

Please feel free to ask a question of the Angels... send a "comment" from the bottom of this post, and I will bring though your information as soon as the Angels answer!!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Message from the Angels, You are Beautiful

Beloved Ones,
We are so happy that you have come to this place to hear about how beautiful you are to us. We see you as brilliant Lights in the places you go. You are each so loved, and so supported.
We ask of you to remember to ask of us anything that you need. We are here to help you gain everything you wish that will bring you Happiness and Joy. We love to see you in Joy, in Love, in Happiness, because your lights shine ever so much brighter, and ever so much more beautiful! Can you imagine for a moment, that your Light shines out into the furthest reaches of the cosmos ..... can you imagine what it is to see you all as twinkling, beautiful lights? It brings the Angels such joy!!
Thank you for taking this into your hearts, know how beautiful you are.
We are here to help you, ask for what you want and let us get to work on it for you!!
Sweet Blessings!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Channeling evening every first Saturday of the month!!

Come join us every first Saturday evening of the month at 7pm for an evening of channeled messages from the Angelic, Archangelic and Ascended Master Realms!! Michele Amburgey is excited to be the channel through which these Beloved Beings of Light share Global and Universal Messages! You may also bring a question or two of your own, as they love to answer your personal concerns as well.
You must rsvp to 949 202-7493!
Please bring water to sip on as you will aslo receive healing in this wonderful energy!!
Cost $25

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Gematrian Lighthouse

You are a Gematrian Lighthouse!!! The Gematrian body is the Light body that fills and surrounds you. You are a Lighthouse to the world!!!