Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Get your Free Cd sent .. here's how!!

Congratulations to everyone who has become a follower on this Blog!!  I will be sending out your free meditation CD...  but first, I need to know where to send it!!
Please e-mail me at Gematrianlight@sbcglobal.net    and provide a physical address for me to send it to.  I will get them out this week!!
Please know that your privacy is of utmost importance and this information will never be shared, as a matter of fact...  it will be deleted as soon as the Cd's are sent out.
Thank you for coming, and keep coming back for more and more fun stuff...  hhmmm  what else can i give away for free..  ????   hhhmmmmmm  thinking, thinking...
Love, Love, Love!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Gematrian Lighthouse: Meditation CD Giveaway!!

Gematrian Lighthouse: Meditation CD Giveaway!!

Meditation CD Giveaway!!

I have been doing meditation classes for many years, and have recorded some amazing ones that are now on Cd !!
I am giving a free Cd to everyone who signs up to be a follower on this blog through the month of February 2010! 

Every meditation is a channelled expression from Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters and other Beings of Light from the Spiritual Hiearchy.  Each Cd contains the powerful energies and activations from the original channellings and are ready to be shared with you.  :)

I am happy to share these wonderful Cd's with you!!

Much Love,

Michele Amburgey

PS:  Check out my website  http://www.gematrianlight.com/  for services and classes, and lots of great information!!